mourning ascends, passing into joy (2023)
Interactive fibers installation: cloth, string, pins, bleach, water in large bowls
[Part I] Before entering the Good Friday (a Christian observance commemorating the crucifixion & death of Jesus of Nazareth) service on April 7th, visitors were invited to cut a piece of fabric from the dark curtain that adorned the entrance to the sanctuary. They were then directed to let the cut cloth be a part of their experience during service, and to leave their cloths in basins of water as they left the church building. Throughout the evening and the following Holy Saturday, the cloths lay in pools of water, mixed with bleach. A slow transformation ensues: the dark color of the fabric ebbs away.
[Part II] On Easter Sunday (a Christian observance of Jesus of Nazareth’s resurrection from the dead), the shadowy veil that adorned the entrance to the sanctuary on Good Friday is no more, replaced by flowing white. The dark swatches discarded into watery pools have been transformed, and now hang in an ascending array. The cloths imbued with the emotions of and reflections on Christ’s death have been washed, and have now passed into a risen state of joy; the praises lifted up this morning rise with them today as hope & life are celebrated.